Wednesday, March 23, 2011

BankofAmer​ica Alert - Your Account Has Been Closed.‏ *SCAM*

Yikes my account has been closed, how could this be? I better login to figure out what has happened. As soon as you "login" expect your bank account to be not only closed but emptied! This is an extremely dangerous phishing attempt that tries to clean out your bank account. Upon opening the mail you will find an attachment called Closed.html. Looks innocent enough lets see what happens when we open it.
As you can see this looks like a legit web page on Bank of America, however you may notice the address bar says "file:///C:" so you are still on your computer, not any website, yet. Clicking on the Reactivate Now link opens up a real web page.
This looks safe right? Wrong! this is a copy of the real site hosted on a Polish domain. Just because a site looks real, does not mean it is. All they want you to do is blindly accept this and give them your account name and password. You can imagine what happens next.

From: "BankofAmerica Alert" 
Subject: Your Account Has Been Closed.

Read The Attached Document And Reactivate Your Account Immediately.

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